A man was poking around an old abandoned barn in Kentucky when he came upon a mostly buried mason jar. He carefully dug it up and discovered it was full of old Spanish gold coins from the fifteenth century. Being an honest man he buried the jar and went to the court house to see who owned the property. In order to buy the property he had to mortgage his house and cash in his IRA and sell all of his tools and guns. Everyone thought his behavior was bizarre when he sold everything and bought the land because they didn't know about the hidden treasure. When he sold the jar at auction it brought 5 billion dollars. The property only cost him $150,000.
Jesus said;
"The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up. Then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field. http://esv.to/Matt13.44
The behavior of people investing their treasure in heaven seems bizarre to those who don't know about heaven. I am very aware of my bodies temporal nature. Its days are numbered and I accept that fact. But I ask you, does your soul seem mortal? Do you have the sense it is meant to only last a few decades and then cease to exist?
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