Tuesday, January 19, 2016



God chose Moses,
One supposes,
For his speech impediment,
And his humble temperament.

Pharaoh must have thought it quite a joke,
When Moses was sent to break the yoke.
Moses did not look divine,
Depending on Aaron to say his lines.

Armed with just a stick,
Moses did a magic trick.
On all Israel Pharaoh levied a fine,
Against Moses the people did whine.

It took 10 plagues to convince Pharaoh,
The Hebrew slaves to let go.
The last plague took Pharaoh's son,
The King's kingdom was coming undone.

Passing through his disbelief,
Pharaoh sought revenge for relief.
Israel he pinned against the sea,
Israel had no where to flee.

Then Moses using his stick,
Did another miracle trick,
He parted the water of the Red Sea,
Through the parted sea Israel did flea.

Pharaoh couldn't believe his own eyes,
But those Hebrews he did despise.
He ordered his army to pursue,
The chariot wheels stuck like glue.

Israel was safely on shore.
Moses then closed the door.
Pharaoh's army was drowned,
No horse or rider could be found.

Gone were his troops.
Pharaoh had been duped.
Gone were his slaves,
I wonder if proud Pharaoh 
ever changed his ways.

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