A Woman and a Well
A woman and a well,
Have a story to tell.
Jesus asked for water,
From a Samaritan daughter.
She was put off,
Jesus’ intention, she did scoff,
“Here is something new,
Giving water to a Jew.”
“Why not?” Replied he,
“I could give living water to thee.”
“Sir, you have no bucket for to draw,
Do you have a twenty foot straw?”
“Well water quickly comes to an end,
With my water you never thirst again”
“Sir, do you have living water to sell?
I don’t like to come to this Well!”
“Sure, bring your husband here,
I’ll give it to you both my dear.”
“Sir, for a husband I have none,
this is why me they shun.”
“Fact is my daughter you’ve had a few,
And the one your with now isn’t married to you!”
“Sir, it is a prophet to whom I speak,
Where should I worship, which mountain peak?”
“A new day is coming my friend,
I am about to start a brand new trend,
If God you want to seek,
You need no mountain peak,
God is spirit you see,
And you have spirit inside of thee,
If God you want to seek,
Worship in spirit and truth at his feet”
JSM based on John 4