Monday, October 19, 2015



Hope is universal.
atheist and theist, 
rich and poor, 
black and white, 
liberal and conservative, healthy and sick,
Can not live long without it.

Hope resides not in the mind,
but in the very soul.
It is not logical,
It is not biological.
It is purely and simply spiritual.

Hope is why farmers plant their crops. 
Hope is why lovers tie the knot. Hope is why Columbus unfurled his sail.
Hope is why the defeated will one day prevail. 

For the lucky "hope" is just one book on the shelf. 
For the desperate "hope" is the only book for oneself.

So guard hope with your very life.
Count as an enemy all who try to steal it. 
Count as a friend all who help preserve  it.

There is one hope greater than all other. The hope to again see lost father and brother.

Hope is universal.

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