Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Eye Petals

Eye Petals

Fly to the garden,
To see the beauty,
But the face of a friend,
The soul can mend.

Saturday, June 18, 2016


Life's Proverbs by Scott

Do you think you have problems? Someone has worse problems!

Hmmm, so I should be happy because someone else has worse problems?

No. But problems are inherent in life. If others can cope with worse problems then you can cope with lesser problems. Moreover, perhaps in some small way you can help the person with worse problems. Your problem is then instantly converted into a motive for good and in thus a wee bit easier with which to cope.
English Majors: I desperately wanted to leave the preposition "with" stranded but I know you are out there.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

2016 election trash talk

Mostly Unbiased Political Trash Talk by Scott

From Secret Service' Clinton disdain,
To Trump's latest "racist" refrain,
Trash Talk does abound.
I wish I lived underground.

A contest is underway,
Throwing mud votes does sway.
Wasn't there a President Clinton we did impeach?
And he is paid how much millions for a speech?

Trump is not a racist,
Every group he equally hatest.
China also built a Great Wall,
From a tall wall you can look down your nose at all.

TV ratings and earnings will go up,
As Clinton and Trump begin to stump.
UFC and Pro Wrestling stocks will go down,
And no one will need to rent a clown.